Scandinavian Stamps, Postal History, and Philatelic Literature for Collectors |
Home Table of Contents |
WELCOME! I hope you find what you are seeking on the website. If not, please email me to let me know how we may be of assistance. -- Jay
New Price Lists on the Website |
Direct link to Scandinavian website price lists.
Direct links to U.S. and World stamp website price lists.
How to obtain printed price lists by postal mail or download price lists as PDF files.
New website price lists & announcements in order of issuance...
New on 12 December 2024:
Today *more* GREENLAND PARCEL POST STAMPS have just been added to the Greenland Parcel Post / Q-Number (Pakke-Porto) pages, starting here. This must be the broadest and deepest offering of these earliest stamps that I have ever been able to make.
More examples only "pictorial" stamps of the DANISH WEST INDIES, Scott #37-39, of the "Ingolf in St. Thomas Harbor" issue have just been added to TWO pages:
DWI Scott #37-39 Stamp listings. and
DWI Scott #37-39 Specialized listings, with plate and watermark varieties.
This beautiful set is also of great interest to SHIP TOPICAL collectors.
A variety of DANISH NEWSPAPER STAMPS (the "P" numbers in Scott), with Gallery (high quality) examples, Bargain examples, and Specialized stamps including plate, color/printing, and watermark varieties have just been added to FIVE pages:
The "REGULAR" Danish Newspaper Stamps listings are on TWO PAGES starting here,
The GALLERY (high quality) Danish Newspaper Stamps are on this page,
The BARGAINS Danish Newspaper Stamps are on this page, and
The SPECIALIZED Danish Newspaper Stamps, including plate varieties, colors/printings, and inverted watermarks are on this page.
These stamps have been overlooked by many collectors for the last century. They deserve to be part of every Danish stamp collection.
NOTE: A couple nice NORWAY POLAR COVERS and an ICELAND 2002 LAXNESS SOUVENIR SHEET GOLD FOIL VERSION were also offered on the website but SOLD OUT WITHIN MINUTES. If you seek such material -- or anything else Scandinavian -- let me know of your interests. If I have your want list / description of interests, I can offer items to you instead of putting them on the website.
A substantial group of SAMOA STAMPS were added to the website today. There are both completely new stamps that we have not had previously and extensive restocking of stamps that had sold out. The unique stamps of Samoa are fun to collect.
A group of VARIOUS WORLDWIDE SOUVENIR SHEETS AND STAMPS were added to the website today on various pages, but they are also seen on the WORLDWIDE STAMPS NEW ARRIVALS PAGE. Some interesting items from VARIOUS TOPICS are represented.
New on 5 December 2024:
GREENLAND'S FIRST STAMPS (1905-1910) Several examples each of Scott #Q1a, Q3a & Q3b, and Q4a & Q4c, both Mint and Used, have just been added to the Greenland Parcel Post / Q-Number (Pakke-Porto) pages, starting here. This must be the broadest and deepest offering of these earliest stamps that I have ever been able to make.
A nice group of MANCHUKUO STAMPS (Japanese Occupied China) have been added to the website. There are both completely new stamps that we have not had previously and extensive restocking of stamps that had sold out. These stamps are sought both by collectors of CHINA and of JAPAN. See the Manchukuo page.
Nice groups of MALAYA FEDERATED STATES STAMPS and MALAYA - JOHORE STATE STAMPS have just been added to the website. There are both completely new stamps that we have not had previously and extensive restocking of stamps that had sold out.
A NEW SECTION has been added today for Stamps of MACEDONIA. Stamps of this European country are not often offered. This group especially includes stamps from the topics of Literature, Reading, Books, Bible, and Europa. UPDATE: THIS SECTIION MOSTLY SOLD OUT IN THREE DAYS.
New on 29 November (Friday this time) 2024:
ÅLAND STAMPS have been restocked on the Åland Stamps pages, starting here.
FAROE STAMPS have been restocked on the Faroe Modern Stamps pages, starting here. and on the Faroe 1940s WWII Stamps page.
One-of-a-kind EARLY FINNISH STAMPS can be seen on the Finland Gallery pages.
GREENLAND PAKKE-PORTO (Parcel Post) STAMPS have been restocked and updated, and can be seen on these pages:
Greenland Pakke-Porto one-of-a-kind stamps
Greenland Pakke-Porto Scott #Q1-5
Greenland Pakke-Porto Scott #Q6-11
A nice group of MADAGASCAR (BRITISH) Stamps have been added. These are rarely-offered "local" (within country) stamps that are listed both in the Scott CLASSIC Catalogue and the Stanley Gibbons Catalogue, but are seldom encountered. See the Madagascar (British) page.
A large, attractive and varied group of Madagascar (French era) Stamps and Malagasy (Republic) Stamps have been added. There are new "regular" as well as one-of-a-kind stamps, and extensive restocking of previously sold-out stamps. See the Madagascar / Malagasy page.
New on 22 November 2024:
A new section has been added for FINLAND TEST STAMPS including extensive "handbook" information. To the best of my knowledge, this is the most complete information for these on the Internet. See both pages starting here.
More interesting early FINNISH STAMPS have been added. See the Finland Stamps New Arrivals page.
A variety of Modern U.S. Duck Stamps and Souvenir Sheets, as well as Junior Duck Stamps have been added. The modern issues are often harder to find! There are also lots of earlier Duck Stamps offered. See the several pages of U.S. Duck Stamp listings, starting here.
A nice group of MACAO Stamps have been added. There are new "regular" as well as one-of-a-kind stamps, and extensive restocking of previously sold-out stamps. See the Macao page.
An attractive and varied group of MADEIRA Stamps, both Colonial issues and Modern issues, have been added. There are new "regular" as well as one-of-a-kind stamps, and extensive restocking of previously sold-out stamps. See the Madeira page.
(A very rare Danish imperforate pair and some scarce high-quality Swedish 1920s Lion stamps were added to the website, but sold within minutes. It helps to receive my Philatelic E-News email newsletter and to review it as soon as possible -- it is issued on Thursdays around 6 PM Eastern U.S. time.)
New on 14 November 2024:
Several nice NORTH INGERMANLAND STAMPS have been added, including #5 and #12. Start on this page and check all the Stamps and Specialized Stamps links. There is even an imperforate left side stamp that I have not previously had.
A range of interesting and attractive early FINNISH STAMPS have been added, including color and printing varieties, unusual cancellations, watermark varieties, scarce blocks, and more. See the Finland Stamps New Arrivals page.
A section for ICELAND MAXIMUM CARDS has been added, with some scarce 1950s cards -- some of which are the only examples I have seen. See them on the Iceland Maximum Card page.
Many more MONTSERRAT Stamps have been added. There are new "regular" as well as one-of-a-kind stamps, and extensive restocking of previously sold-out stamps. See the Montserrat page.
New on 7 November 2024:
A hard-to-find Norway Plate and Color Varieties See them on the Norway Stamps New Arrivals page. Also find many other Norway varieties, blocks, cancellations, special items, etc. in the 28 pages of the Norway Specialized Stamps section, starting here.
More one-of-a-kind early Danish Stamps have been added, including a beautiful example of Scott #2. See the Denmark Stamps New Arrivals page.
Interesting Danish Covers have been added, including scarce destinations (how about Syria!!??), short-lived airmail rates, a metered parcel card to Iceland, and more. See them on the Denmark Covers New Arrivals page.
United States Modern Used Sheets and Souvenir Sheets See the latest additions on the U.S. Stamps New Arrivals page. There are many more U.S. modern Used sheets and souvenir sheets, from the 1970s to the 2020s, on the many pages starting here in the U.S. Used Sheets section. When you get there, use the numbered page links to move through them OR the drop-down widget to find specific pages by catalog number.
Many more St. Lucia Stamps have been added. There are new "regular" as well as one-of-a-kind stamps, and extensive restocking of previously sold-out stamps. There are even St. Lucia Revenue Stamps. See the St. Lucia page.
New Printed Price Lists Available by Postal Mail |
New printed price lists of all -- and only -- the items on the website are available. The printed price lists do not include the illustrations. Due to the amount of work involved, the printed price lists are updated only every few weeks.
There are separate price lists for:
Each Scandinavian Country:
Danish West Indies
Denmark (including Slesvig)
Finland (including Karelia and North Ingermanland)
Norway (does NOT yet include all "regular" stamps)
Sweden (does NOT yet include all "regular" stamps)
Slania-Engraved items (also Greta Garbo)
United States Stamps (and few covers)
Worldwide Stamps (and a few covers). Does not include U.S. or Scandinavia.
Scandinavian Philatelic Literature
Please only request the lists you actually need; they are very expensive to print and mail.
Please read this if you are in the U.S. or Canada or this if you are in another country. Then send an email and please specifically state if you want specific Scandinavian countries, Slania, United States, Worldwide, or Scandinavian philatelic literature price lists. (Repeated non-specific requests will probably be ignored.)
Please note that these lists only include what you see listed on this website and are provided simply as a convenience. If what you are seeking is not shown on the website, then please send your want list rather than just requesting a price list. (If it is not on the website, it won't be in the price list.) Clients who send want lists always have access to the freshest stock and new items as they come in.
For U.S. and Canadian Clients...
The first copy of printed price lists will be sent to U.S. and Canadian clients at no charge. Further updates can be sent, upon request, at no charge to those clients actively making purchases or who send want lists. Otherwise there may be a postage charge for further updates -- these lists cost several dollars each to print and mail.
For Overseas Clients...
Unfortunately, due to the large number of requests received from overseas people who seem to just collect "free price lists" -- and because a) all the information the lists contain is on this website and b) the overseas airmail postage cost is very high -- there will be a MINIMUM $10 shipping charge (payable by MasterCard, Visa, PayPal, cash, US$ check, etc.) for price lists sent to overseas addresses. A matching-amount credit voucher will be included with the price lists and will be valid only on purchases (totaling) at least five times the amount of the credit. Example: If the shipping cost is $10, you will receive a $10 credit which will be valid on a purchase of $50 or more.
Please email to inform me of the desired price lists and to learn the shipping cost for them. I will need to know exactly which price lists you wish to receive and I will need to know your COMPLETE POSTAL ADDRESS.
Once you have been informed of the shipping cost and if you wish to proceed....
To send shipping cost payment by PayPal, use the email address "", use a subject of "Price List Shipping Payment" and be sure to indicate again the price lists you desire and include your complete postal address.
To send your MasterCard or Visa number, please use my secure payment website. For your security, never put a credit card number in a normal email!
To send a US$ check or cash (at your own risk), please see my postal address information. |
New Resource Articles |
Fluorescence, Phosphorescence, Ultraviolet Light, and Scandinavian Philately A useful and practical explanation.
Hidden in Plain View: Stamp Position Codes "The language of stamps" or the meaning of stamp positions on letters and post cards.
An interesting new, fully illustrated article on Swedish stamp formats and the different perforations that result.
Several other interesting articles are available with new articles posted regularly. |
Scandinavian Philatelic E-News |
Subscribe to the Scandinavian Philatelic E-News
Regular (2-4 times per month) email newsletter with Scandinavian philatelic news, announcements of new books and catalogs, and special sale offers (Scandinavian and world-wide collections, Scandinavian used albums, and pre-owned philatelic literature) at great prices. Many special offers are only made through the E-News. This is a great way to stay current and get some great deals.
You can also view the archive (still being finished) of previous editions of the E-News. |
<<< NEW >>>
Facit >> Scott and Scott >> Facit Catalog Number Concordances |
To meet my own need for catalog number concordances, I have finally started publishing comprehensive catalog number concordances for the Scandinavian countries. At this moment only DWI, Greenland, and Iceland are ready (the later two only up to 1995, so far). However, I will be preparing these bidirectional catalog number concordances for all the Scandinavian countries and eventually will include the other specialized catalogs as well. Reservations are welcomed. These are very inexpensive (considering the labor required to make them) and are published loose-leaf. An attractive binder is available. I intend to update the concordances annually; subscriptions are available. Though these have only been available for a few weeks, they have been a great hit. You will find them extremely useful! |
<<< NEW >>>
Facit Specialized Catalog PAGES BY THE COUNTRY. |
These are genuine Facit Catalog pages, not copies (of course!). They are loose pages; please be aware that there is no room for binding -- you will have to figure out for yourself how to bind or otherwise manage them. The pricing is by country. There are sometimes conflicts involving back-to-back countries, thus I am offering the pages a number of different ways to compensate for this. Supply is very limited. If you have always wanted a Facit Catalog, but could not justify it for "just one country", this is your chance -- but you must act quickly. Here is more information about the Facit Scandinavian Specialized Catalog. |
Shopping Cart System and Secure Website for Credit Card Payment |
My shopping cart system is fully functional for almost all the price list pages. The cart system will be extended to the few remaining pages very soon. I also have a secure website for secure acceptance of credit card payments. You can use this method any time you wish to send your credit card information: for placing orders, making approval payments, or for updating new issue and Stender supplement credit card information, etc. I take the privacy and security of your information very seriously -- I never share your information with anybody for any reason. |
Scandinavian Philatelic Literature, including the Scandinavian Annual Catalogs |
The web versions of my philatelic literature price lists were last updated on 24 March 2025
and are the most current. Knowledge is the key to enjoying your collection and the key to buying wisely. View the listings live on the web or download the literature price list in PDF format. Let me know If you would prefer a printed copy sent by postal mail. |
Investment Opportunity Information |
Jay Smith & Associates is offering to its clients an opportunity to invest in the company. If you might be interested in interest rates of up to 8% (paid in cash) and up to 15% (paid in merchandise credit), be sure to read the complete information and risk statement.
Our Stamp Show Schedule |
We do not currently have any shows scheduled.
24 March 2025
Used Albums
U.S. Stamps:
NH, Mint, and Used at great prices.
World Stamps:
Better stamps at great prices.
WEB Take a look at my specific country
price lists and topic price lists on
the web.
Approvals are the best way to add to your collection.
If you prefer to examine stamps and compare them to your
collection, before you purchase, you will very much enjoy my
approval service. Send your want list today.
Stender Scandinavian Stamp Albums
Albums made in Scandinavia, by Scandinavians make the most sense.
Well designed and attractive, these extremely price competitive
albums will make a great home for your collection. See the complete price list.
I have added a Frequently Asked
Questions "FAQ" page for web site, computer, and Internet questions
as they relates to my site. I welcome your comments, input, suggestions,
corrections, etc.