Scott numbers have been given for these listings. If you would prefer to examine the stamps before purchasing, or you are any seeking stamps (or any condition or any quality) not listed here, please send your want list using your choice of Scott, Facit, or AFA numbers.
Unless there is a 6-digit item number in the left-most column, the images shown in this section are standard images of the issues from my image library; they are presented to show the designs of the stamp issues and not to show the specific individual stamps being offered. The centering of the stamps in the images is usually Superb or VF quality; again these are not images of the individual stamps being offered. Most early stamps had multiple printings, thus color shades vary greatly; the colors in the images are random printings/colors. If there is a 6-digit item number in the left-most column, the image is of the actual item being offered.
All the listed conditions and qualities were in stock at the moment this list was prepared and I endeavor to maintain them in stock and to keep this website updated. However, my stock changes daily and (to paraphrase) good stamps are hard to find. If you are willing to accept a different grade or quality if an item is temporarily out of stock, please let me know when ordering (add a comment at the conclusion of the shopping cart process) and please also let me know of any alternates you will consider. Furthermore, new stamps are being put in stock every day; if the quality and/or condition you are seeking is not listed, please send your want list.
This list surely includes a few errors; I will be grateful if you would inform me of any errors you see. Stamps "missing" from the list simply might not be included because they are not in stock or are singles which are normally only listed in full sets. Just the same if it seems like something obvious (and not a single from a set) is missing, please let me know. If you can offer for sale items that are not listed here, please do so; I especially need sources of recent used complete sets. Prices are subject to typographical error and change, but I will do my best to honor the listed prices to the extent of available stock.
TIP: These price list pages are in Scott number order. To most easily navigate these stamp price list pages, use the "drop down" menu located above this text (and at the bottom of every page). You can also hover over the numbered page links and read the name of the page in the bottom status bar of your browser.
VF: 2012 Medieval Astronomy Equipment. Joint issue with China. [256383]
REPRESENTATIVE image of stamp design.
1578 s/s
VF: 2012 40th Anniversary of Queen Margrethe II souvenir sheet issue. [256386]
REPRESENTATIVE image of stamp design.
Need several. Please make offer.
(1578) single from s/s
VF: 2012 40th Anniversary of Queen Margrethe II souvenir sheet issue. [256387]
REPRESENTATIVE image of stamp design.
1579 die-cut self-adhesive sheet stamp
VF: 2012 40th Anniversary of Queen Margrethe II self-adhesive sheet stamp issue. [256388]
REPRESENTATIVE image of stamp design.
1580 s/s
VF: 2012 NORDIA Stamp Show; Bridges souvenir sheet issue. Face value of the souvenir sheet included a surcharge for the NORDIA Stamp Show. [256389]
REPRESENTATIVE image of stamp design.
1580a-b singles from s/s
VF: 2012 NORDIA Stamp Show; Bridges souvenir sheet issue. Face value of the souvenir sheet included a surcharge for the NORDIA Stamp Show. [256390]
REPRESENTATIVE image of stamp design.
1596a, 1597a, 1598a, 1599a, 1599b set of 5 s/s (4 with 1 stamp each, 1 with 4 stamps)
VF: 2012 Traditional Danish Open Sandwiches prestige booklet issue. Issued in a Prestige booklet; can sometimes be supplied in the booklet or removed from the booklet. [256418]
REPRESENTATIVE image of stamp design.
Need more as souvenir sheets or complete prestige booklets. Please make offer.
1599b (one s/s containing all 4 values)
VF: 2012 Traditional Danish Open Sandwiches prestige booklet issue. Issued in a Prestige booklet; can sometimes be supplied in the booklet or removed from the booklet. [256419]
REPRESENTATIVE image of stamp design.
Need more as souvenir sheets or complete prestige booklets. Please make offer.
1596a, 1597a, 1598a, 1599a set of 4 s/s each containing one stamp.
VF: 2012 Traditional Danish Open Sandwiches prestige booklet issue. Issued as part of a Prestige booklet; can sometimes be supplied in the booklet or removed from the booklet. [247295]
REPRESENTATIVE image of stamp design.
1596-9 singles from s/s
VF: 2012 Traditional Danish Open Sandwiches prestige booklet issue. [256424]
REPRESENTATIVE image of stamp design.
Need in quantity. Please make offer.
1600-3 die-cut self-adhesive sheet stamp set
VF: 2012 Traditional Danish Open Sandwiches self-adhesive sheet stamp issue. [256429]
REPRESENTATIVE image of stamp design.
1604-6 die-cut rouletted self-adhesive booklet stamps, pair and single
VF: 2012 Traditional Danish Open Sandwiches self-adhesive booklet issue. [256434]
REPRESENTATIVE image of stamp design.