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Price List PDF File Downloads  
These PDF-version price lists contain all -- and only -- the items on the website, but they do not include the illustrations.

Download these price list PDF files to view on your computer, or to print out, using Adobe Acrobat. To view or print these files, use Adobe Acrobat Reader 3.0 or later. You can download the latest version of Acrobat Reader FREE from Adobe's site, for Windows, Mac, Linux, etc.

Be sure to read the instructions before clicking on the download links!
Remember to shift-click or right-click...

Remember that the idea is to download the file to your computer and then open up Adobe Acrobat to view the file. However, if you simply click on the link (instead of right clicking and saving), Acrobat will open and it will try to read the file over the Internet instead of downloading it to your computer; that is probably not what you want to do (because it will take longer and if you want to look at it again you have to go through the whole process again). Download first, then read! Read the instructions!

Available Downloads:

Scandinavia ALL Price List (#66f) (3890 KB = 3.8 MB) The Scandinavia ALL list contains everything Scandinavian (except the literature and specials) that you will find on this website. If you only want some of the Scandinavian countries, you can download the PDF files for individual countries -- see below.

Individual Scandinavian Country Price Lists: Each price list includes all the items from that country that are on this website along with the full terms of sale information and order forms. Price Lists #71f-79f.
Åland Price List (433 KB)
Danish West Indies Price List (314 KB)
Denmark Price List (867 KB) includes Slesvig
Faroe Price List (316 KB)
Finland Price List (823 KB) includes Aunus, Karelia, and North Ingermanland
Greenland Price List (473 KB)
Iceland Price List (891 KB)
Norway Price List (598 KB) does NOT yet include the "normal" stamps
Sweden Price List (640 KB) does NOT yet include the "normal" stamps

Slania-Engraved Price List (#67f) (465 KB) of items on this website. Also includes Greta Garbo listings and a few Europa items.

United States Stamps Price List (#68f) (576 KB) of U.S. items on this website.

Worldwide Stamps Price List (#69f) (970 KB) of worldwide items on this website (not including U.S. and Scandinavia).

Unless otherwise stated, each price list above most recently updated on 29 March 2016

Scandinavian Philatelic Literature Price List #20a (416 KB) updated March 2016.
The most up-to-date literature listings are always on the website.

Remember to either SHIFT CLICK or RIGHT CLICK the link above (instructions below).
Instructions for Downloading Adobe Acrobat PDF Files  
IMPORTANT: While it is possible, in most browsers, to VIEW Adobe Acrobat PDF files over the Internet, it can be time consuming and troublesome. Instead, the intent is that you DOWNLOAD the file to your computer's hard disk and then view it and print it from there at your leisure. Unfortunately, many browsers may attempt to automatically VIEW/READ PDF files over the Internet rather than to DOWNLOAD them. To DOWNLOAD and SAVE a PDF file for later viewing or printing, you must:
either hold the SHIFT KEY WHILE CLICKING the link
or RIGHT CLICK the link and select the option for either "Save As", "Save File As", "Save Link As", "Save Target As" or some similar option.
These actions should display a "Save File" dialog box. The saved file must end with ".pdf" or ".PDF". Before starting, you may wish to make a folder to contain such downloaded files from Jay Smith and Associates.

Once the file is on your computer, you can either start up Adobe Acrobat, do Open File, and navigate to the folder in which you placed the file OR you can navigate to the file in your file manager (i.e. on Windows, My Computer) and double click the file.

To view or print these files, use Adobe Acrobat Reader 3.0 or later. You can download the latest version of Acrobat Reader FREE from Adobe's site, for Windows, Mac, Linux, etc.

The list of downloadable files is here.
Postally Mailed Copies of Printed Price Lists  
Printed versions of the individual Scandinavian countries, U.S. & World, and Slania price lists listed above can also be obtained by postal postal mail. Details are available here.  
Postally Mailed Copy of the Complete Scandinavian Philatelic Literature Price List  
Email me to receive a printed copy by postal mail. For some people, this printed version may be more readable or easy to use than printing out the PDF downloaded version.  
Previously-owned Philatelic Catalogs and Literature  
Be sure to see the previously-owned philatelic catalogs and literature for great savings! Check back often, I am regularly adding new books and catalogs. Also, Subscribe to the Scandinavian Philatelic E-News for the newest listings.  
Notification of New Scandinavian Philatelic Books  
Be notified of new Scandinavian philatelic books when you subscribe to the Scandinavian Philatelic E-News, my regular (once or twice per month) email newsletter with Scandinavian philatelic news. You will receive announcements of new books and catalogs. The E-News also includes special sale offers (Scandinavian and world-wide collections, Scandinavian used albums, and pre-owned philatelic literature) at great prices.  


Special Fee Stamp
Nearly 70 Years Old!
Rarely Offered!
Order Now!

ON SALE $9 to $16!


Postal Savings Set
Over 60 Years Old!
Rarely Offered!
Order Now!

NH VF ONLY $23.00

We are U.S. Distributor
The KEY reference!
In Stock
Order Now!
Falkland Catalog
The primary reference for all aspects of Falkland philately, including postal history and postmarks.
$49.00 Postpaid
in U.S. by Media Mail

Limited Supply!
Order Now!
Ladybug Coil Error
Unplanned Vertical Coil "Error" Stamp.

Updated 13 March 2025

  Philatelic Literature
  Used Albums

U.S. Stamps:
   NH, Mint, and Used at great prices.

World Stamps:
   Better stamps at great prices.
Over 100 pages of price lists are available by postal mail. While these will eventually also be available on the web, I am not quite there yet. Request your copy of the printed price lists today.
SCANDINAVIAN PRICE LISTS ON THE WEB Take a look at my specific country price lists and topic price lists on the web.
Approvals are the best way to add to your collection.
If you prefer to examine stamps and compare them to your collection, before you purchase, you will very much enjoy my approval service. Send your want list today.
Stender Scandinavian Stamp Albums
Albums made in Scandinavia, by Scandinavians make the most sense. Well designed and attractive, these extremely price competitive albums will make a great home for your collection. See the complete price list.
I have added a Frequently Asked Questions "FAQ" page for web site, computer, and Internet questions as they relates to my site. I welcome your comments, input, suggestions, corrections, etc.

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