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Norway: First Day Covers: Various  
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Scott #
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104-110 [1 April 1925 complete set of Polar Bear and Airplane; Roald Amundsen Polar Exploration fundraising issue] Wonderful FIRST DAY COVER with BERGEN 1 IV 25 cancellations. Each stamp is clearly and individually FD canceled, but naturally it is easiest to see on the orange 3 øre stamp. This is a RARE first day cover, in date order only the third FDC listed by Facit. One does see complete sets on later-canceled covers, but FDC are very rare. The 5 øre is Fine, with the rest either F-VF or VF; none have any defects. The cover has a vertical fold to the right of center, but it does not affect any stamps. This stamp issue is very important for polar philately -- and it helped fund polar exploration at a critical time -- but the design also has great topical appeal for the polar bear and the airplane. The 2018 Facit value is SEK 7500, however, classic Norwegian FDC auction realizations regularly outstrip the catalog values. To the best of my recollection this is the only FDC of this issue that I have been able to offer in 45 years.
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For reference only. NOT for sale.

132-5 [20 March 1928 Henrik Ibsen] Wonderful registered FIRST DAY COVER bearing TWO COMPLETE SETS IN VERTICAL PAIRS with OSLO 20 III 28 cancellations. All stamps VF. The cancellations are clearly struck; a receiving cancellation applied to the reverse the following day. Vertical fold well away from the stamps. Remarkably, the FDC contained the registered mail receipt showing the matching registry number and with an "OSLO BKO:" thimble postmark -- finding these thimble postmarks on covers and forms/documents (their most prevalent use) is quite unusual. This is a RARE first day cover; the 2018 Facit value is SEK 3800 -- which I believe is much too low for this issue -- however, classic Norwegian FDC auction realizations regularly outstrip the catalog values. To the best of my recollection this is only the second FDC of this issue that I have been able to offer in 45 years.
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145-8 [6 April 1929 Niels Henrik Abel] Excellent registered FIRST DAY COVER of complete set, with OSLO 6 IV 29 somewhat faint OSLO machine cancellation and then additionally canceled with OSLO hand cancellations. All stamps F-VF or VF. The 6th was a Saturday, thus delivered on Monday, with a receiving postmark applied to the reverse. Horizontal fold near the bottom, well away from the stamps. This is a RARE first day cover; the 2018 Facit value is SEK 5500, however classic Norwegian FDC auction realizations regularly outstrip the catalog values. To the best of my recollection this is the first FDC of this issue that I have been able to offer in 45 years.
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For reference only. NOT for sale.

150-3 [1 April 1930 Saint Olav] Wonderful registered FIRST DAY COVER of complete set with "OSLO Br." 1 IV 30 very clear OSLO machine cancellation. #150 is F-VF, the others are VF. Unusually fresh and nice. This is a RARE first day cover; the 2018 Facit value is SEK 7000, which is probably already on the low side compared to the scarcity and demand of other issues, however classic Norwegian FDC auction realizations regularly outstrip the catalog values. To the best of my recollection this is the first FDC of this issue that I have been able to offer in 45 years.
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207-11, 226 [1, 2, 3, 5, 7, and 12 øre Posthorns with "V" Overprint] (VF) on 15 August 1941 FIRST DAY COVER with OSLO cancellations. This is the complete face-different set of V-overprinted POSTHORN stamps. Of this group, Norgeskatalogen provides the first day dates for all but the watermarked 5 and 7 øre stamps. The UNwatermarked 5 and 7 øre stamps were apparently available on 14 August. However, in my experience and according to the Norgeskatalogen FDC listing, the 5 and 7 øre denominations only seem to show up on 15 August covers. Furthermore, I was able to carefully peek at the gum under the corners of the 5 and 7 øre stamps on this cover and they do have the typical crackly gum of the watermarked stamps. Thus I am very confident that all of the 1-7 øre stamps on this cover are watermarked [the 12 øre, issued the same day, only exists unwatermarked]. This is a "very scarce" first day cover. The Facit Classic 2024 does not even list FDCs for most stamps in this set. The Norgeskatalogen 2022 lists a FDC of 12 denominations (the Posthorns and the øre-denomination Lions) at NOK 4000 -- however a) they are virtually always on two covers instead of one [this is one of the normal two] and b) NOK values are "collector to collector exchange values", not commerical transaction values. Early Norwegian FDC auction realizations regularly outstrip the catalog values. To the best of my recollection this is only the third FDC of this Posthorn group that I have been able to offer in 51 years. The Norwegian Posthorns are one of the most popular and long-lived design series in the world. This FDC is an extremely important part of a Posthorns collection.
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274 [Little Norway] on unaddressed FDC with OSLO 1-star cancellation; Dethloff return address cachet.
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360 [6 May 1958 25 øre emerald King Olav V] Unaddressed COMPLETE (for the stamps issued that day, just this one) FIRST DAY COVER with very clear "6-5-58" OSLO cancellations. The stamp is VF and the cover is very fresh. This is a SCARCE first day cover; the 2024 Facit value is SEK 1200. To the best of my recollection this is only the third or fourth FDC of this stamp that I have been able to offer in 50 years.
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410, 412 [12 November 1962 King Olav V] Cacheted (blue lion and text, red shield) unaddressed COMPLETE (for the stamps issued that day) FIRST DAY COVER with "12.11.62" very clear OSLO cancellations. The stamps are VF and the cover is extremely fresh. This is a SCARCE first day cover; the 2018 Facit value is SEK 1200. To the best of my recollection this is the first unaddressed (and only the third or fourth otherwise) FDC of this issue that I have been able to offer in 45 years.
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410, 412 [12 November 1962 King Olav V] Cacheted (NKS t-b organization) addressed COMPLETE (for the stamps issued that day) FIRST DAY COVER with "12.11.62" very clear OSLO cancellations. The stamps are VF and the cover is very fresh. This is a SCARCE first day cover; the 2018 Facit value is SEK 1200. To the best of my recollection this only the third or fourth addressed FDC of this issue that I have been able to offer in 45 years.
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462, 466a [9 November 1964 30 øre gray-green Fish and 60 øre red-orange 4-twists Knot issues, non-fluorescent] Cacheted (NKS t-b organization) addressed COMPLETE (for the stamps issued that day) FIRST DAY COVER with "-9-11-64" very clear OSLO cancellations. The stamps are VF and the cover is very nice. This is a SCARCE first day cover; the 2018 Facit value is SEK 600; in my opinion it is scarcer than that catalog value suggests. This is the last issued of the scarce definitive FDCs and despite the more modest catalog value it is still missing from most FDC collections. To the best of my recollection this only the third or fourth FDC of this issue that I have been able to offer in 45 years.
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Scott #
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B11-14 [24 July 1939 Queen Maud] Registered FIRST DAY COVER of complete set with OSLO official first day 24-7-39 very clear cancellations, to the U.S. The stamps are all VF. This has been through the mails, but there is extremely little wear. Unusually nice; very fresh. This is a somewhat scarcer first day cover; the 2018 Facit value is SEK 700, but nice examples are not often seen.
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B15-18 with extra B15 [21 October 1940 Nansen (polar explorer and humanitarian)] Wonderful GERMAN CENSORED, airmail, registered FIRST DAY COVER of complete set (plus additional 10 øre for adequate postage) with OSLO official first day 20-10-40 very clear cancellations. The stamps are all VF. Nazi German censor tape and handstamps on reverse. Instructional marking of "By air mail Lisboa - New York", intended to be sent via Lisbon, Portugal, a neutral country through which much air mail of this era passed; no Lisbon postal marking (often the case). This has been through the mails including censorship, thus there is some wear, but it is unusually nice. There is a piece of Scotch-type tape at the bottom, mostly on the reverse and well away from the stamps -- this should probably be removed by a professional paper restorer. This is a somewhat scarcer first day cover; the 2018 Facit value is SEK 550, which is about right for a normal domestic use. However, a censored example such as this demands a considerable premium.
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B25-B26 TWO OF EACH [1942 Quisling semi-postal without and with overprint; Michel 265-266] The individual used stamps sell for $33 each stamp! Addressed, registered. Examples with more than one of each stamp are scarce.
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B25-B26 [1942 Quisling semi-postal without and with overprint; Michel 265-266] The individual used stamps sell for $33 each stamp! Unaddressed, fresh.
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B38-41 [1944 National Assistance "People at Work" (Homefront) semi-postal set] Used VF set on 1 December 1944 FIRST DAY COVER with unofficial KONGSVINGER town cancellations (instead of the usual Oslo cancellations). Unlike a few towns, unofficial first day cancellations from Kongsvinger are NOT often seen. Unaddressed. Cover was folded in quarters, but away from the stamps. There is a blue, circular Kongsvinger [and silhouette of the town] letter seal label on the reverse, also creased from the cover folding -- I have never before seen this letter seal / label in 50 years! A somewhat scarcer first day cover; 2024 Facit value, for normal Oslo cancellations, is SEK 300. Interestingly, used examples of these four stamps canceled in the proper period -- which these are -- have a Facit catalog value of SEK 280! At this price one could collect this for the first day cover or for the used stamps!
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C1a [13 Jun 1927 Airmail Type I (first issue; indistinct frame line] Wonderful FIRST DAY COVER with "OSLO ULLEVÅL HAVEBY" 13 VI 27 sub-office cancellations. Transit canceled the next day with "OSLO BR. I" and then sent to England, with 16 June receiver on reverse. The stamp is VF. A yellow and black airmail label (not sure if this is also FD use of the label) is affixed; it was torn before application, but looks nice. This is a RARE first day cover. The 2018 Facit value is SEK 6000, however, classic Norwegian FDC auction realizations regularly outstrip the catalog values. To the best of my recollection this is only the second FDC of this issue that I have been able to offer in 45 years.
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