Danish West Indies: Bargains: Stamps Scott #J1-8 Postage Dues
These bargain-priced stamps are attractive, but most have hidden flaws. You can save a tremendous amount of money when you add such stamps to your collection. Each stamp is one of a kind, so please let me know if I may substitute a different example (that looks as good or better, for the same cost) if the stamp you order has sold. If you have any doubts, all are available for approval viewing. If you are seeking stamps of this quality and price level from any of the Scandinavian countries, just send along your want list -- I will be happy to send bargains on approval. Scott numbers have been used unless otherwise stated.
J1 Printing 1, AFA #P1.1, AFA Plate I (first printing) [1902 1 cent Postage Due] Used with XF centering and perfect perforations, but small thin spot in top margin. Neat, partial "ST. J(AN)" cancellation -- a very scarce postmark. AFA Plates I and II both have the "small dot over I of DIEN"; elsewhere all "small dot" stamps are often described as Plate I). This first printing (Plate I) is Dark Indigo Blue on Bright White Paper. (The second printing of this stamp, AFA Plate II, also with the dot, is Dark Grayish Blue on paper that is usually cream or grayish.) Most use of these stamps was on the back of envelopes, without cancellation; canceled examples are much scarcer than uncanceled (no gum). Only 10,000 of the 70,300 1 Cent stamps are from Printing 1, but the catalog values do not properly represent the scarcity. Furthermore, the catalog values do not properly reflect the value of ordinary postmarked examples ... the ST. JAN cancel is VERY scarce. Such attractive examples are hard to find.
J4 Plate I, Used with VF+ centering, but couple blunted perfs (otherwise $93.50). Attractive!
J4 Plate I, Used with F-VF+ centering, but tiny thin speck (otherwise $85). Attractive!
J7 [1905 30 bit Postage Due] (Mint) Uncanceled / Unused with VF+ centering. Either Mint no gum or Used without cancellation. A large percentage of these postage due stamps were used on envelopes containing incoming shipping documents (posted from ships in the harbor to local merchants) and those envelopes were very often not canceled. The stamps are perfectly fine, but cannot really be called Mint or Used. I price such no-gum DWI postage due stamps at a fraction of the (lower) Mint value. If Hint Hinged with gum this centering would be $14 and if Used with proper cancellations it would be $25. Very fresh and attractive.
J8a (Facit #L8C2) [1913 50 bit Postage Due, Perforation 14 x 14.5] NEVER HINGED with Just-Fine centering (the perforations do NOT touch the design), but with the stress crease (not visible from the front) typically seen on this particular issue/printing. Very fresh appearance. A very scarce stamp that is, in my opinion, grossly undercataloged. Without the crease, this centering would be $69. Seldom offered at such a low price.
J8a Used with Superb centering, but thin (otherwise $352!). Scarce stamp!
J8a Used with F-VF centering, but small facial scrape (otherwise $275!). Scarce stamp!